UCF BSN Nursing Students Bring Hurricane Preparedness to FWAF
The University of Central Florida's school of Nursing has for several years worked with FWAF to bring healthcare to communities with little access to those services. This year the school also brought hurricane preparedness information and supplies to FWAF and the community of which it is a part. Those students later wrote the letter below to FWAF:
Next, we needed to fill those kits! We each individually donated what we could and approached local businesses to inquire if they would be able to donate to our cause. Some businesses that generously provided supplies and monetary donations included Tractor Supply, Ace Hardware, Sam’s Club and Southeastern Grocers. We amassed batteries, water, candles, lighter, matches, non-perishable canned goods, flashlights, and first aid kits. We included equal amounts of each in each kit.
Finally, we included hurricane preparedness information with each kit. This included brochures and informational leaflets that detailed the hazards of hurricanes and how to prepare one’s self and home for hurricane conditions. We made sure to have this information available in English and Spanish for greater accessibility.
We thank the Apopka Farmworker’s Association for having us for this event and are grateful for the opportunity to help the Apopka community prepare for the hurricane season!
UCF BSN Nursing Students
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